Are You Facing Drug Charges? Fight Back With the Help of an Experienced Defense Attorney
In Utah, drug crimes are taken seriously and prosecuted aggressively. The charges and penalties you will face for a drug offense vary significantly based on the type of substance you were found with, the amount, and what the prosecution believes you intended to do with the substance. Possession of a controlled dangerous substance can be classified as a misdemeanor or felony depending on the specific circumstances of your case. In either case, you need a qualified attorney to protect your rights and defend you in court. Melton Law is prepared to advise and represent you in your drug case. Attorney William Melton works with clients in Salt Lake City, Utah and the surrounding areas.
When you contact us, Attorney Melton will investigate the facts of your case and start developing your defense strategy. There are many potential defenses for possession and other drug charges. It’s possible that the arresting officer violated your rights or didn’t follow proper procedure during the arrest. It’s also possible that you were unaware of the presence of drugs, or that you only intended them for personal use (when you are being accused of selling drugs). Get in touch with us today to receive a initial consultation.